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- “We have the power to choose when it comes to using our voice in ways that matter, that inspires, that disrupt, and that shift…for the good of all human beings.” – Hermeka Ray
Effective Business Consulting & Organizational Solutions
N-Tegrity Consulting Group, LLC offers a holistic approach to business consulting and organizational solutions to customers across the globe. When people live and work according to their values, they can better harness their strengths and become the resilient leaders and teammates needed to cultivate organizational well-being.
Through organizational development and change consulting, executive and team coaching, and leadership development programs and training, your staff will be able to become better connected and aligned in meaningful yet authentic ways to recreate the human experience of how we work together. This, in turn, builds a stronger company that is able to accomplish much more since everyone is working together and to their strengths.
“We have the power to choose when it comes to using our voice in ways that matter, that inspire, that disrupt, and that shift…for the good of all human beings.” – Hermeka Ray
Why We Are Here
According to Gallup’s 2022 Global Workplace Report, our work environments profoundly impact our lives—professionally and personally. Our ability to experience joy, satisfaction, and significance for our work matters. Work environments where members are experiencing burnout, unmanageable workloads, leadership woes, conflict-prone teams, and misalignment with core values can lead to devastating and costly bottom-line outcomes.
This report reminds us that all work experiences are not the same, and our ability to connect and draw out the best talent requires more belonging. Belonging—when it comes to how we work—is a secret ingredient to a thriving, high-performing organization. It brings significance to our unique strengths, values, and the progressive fulfillment of a company’s mission.
Let’s not stop there, either. It also creates room for possibilities with impact far beyond the company—in our communities, families, and the world. Is it impossible for organizations to model an environment that is both energizing and operating in excellence? Not at all!
The Compelling Why
Research states that an organization that creates a sense of belonging can lead to a 56% boost in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk, a 167% increase in employer net promoter score, two times more employee raises, eighteen times more employee promotions, and a 75% decrease in sick days.
Why shouldn’t your employees feel seen, valued, and acknowledged as contributing to an organization’s mission? Belonging is about human connection, which is foundational for teams, communities, and relationships on a global scale. Our ability to humanize work as a critical success factor is needed now more than ever. Individual and collective work makes us better leaders, employees, and social communities that offer significant value and impact in the world.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about our empathetic approach to leadership training and executive coaching. We look forward to working with your organization.